FedEx Recognized for Innovative Technology Delivering Business Value

I've been away from blogging here for too long--however today my first post was published on the FedEx blog at  This post is a follow-on from the June 1 press release.  A portion of the first of a two part series . . . .
FedEx Recognized for Innovative Technology Delivering Business Value 
Recently CIO Magazine recognized FedEx with its annual CIO 100 Award for our data storage technology called Common Data Service (CDS).  The award celebrates innovative use of technology to deliver genuine business value.
Bringing Our World Closer Together 
Technology is everywhere.  The Internet, cellular devices, and social media have all contributed to bringing our world closer together.  At FedEx, we continue to be on the move to connect our world.  Recent accomplishments provide useful context for how technology like CDS is being used to support customer’s needs . . . . . . . . . [ read the rest on the FedEx website ].
An index to my posts out on the FedEx blog is located here.